About us

The Web Business Link Directory is a web directory of Business resources. The directory is arranged by subject. Our Directory is maintained by editors who evaluate sites for inclusion in the directory and all submissions are subject to editor evaluation.

We care a great deal about the quality of our directory. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally if your site not be accepted. Our goal is to make the Web Business Link Directory as useful as possible for our users.

You should take a few moments to understand the steps to submit a site before you begin. Failure to understand and follow these instructions generally will result in the rejection of a submission.

Please recognize that making the Web Business Link Directory a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.

The Web Business Link Directory team welcomes comments and feedback about the directory generally. Please let us know what you think, and how we can improve the service.

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